Stress Busters for your Health, Wellness and Work-Life Balance.

From Natalie J Forstbauer
May 1st, 2002

Dear Guest,

Are you tired of being stressed out, over worked, and out of balance? Do you want to have more time for yourself, be more balanced and be healtier?

Having completely recovered from pretty much loosing the use of my right arm 12 years ago and completely recovering from the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fybromyalgia, I know what it takes to be healthy. I also know what it takes to stay healthy.

For the past 12 years I have studied Complimentary Medicine and worked with thousands of individuals to reduce their stress and increase their health and balance in life.

Now, I want to share what I have learned with you.

Wouldn't you be excited to learn natural techniques and secrets to improve your health?

I am compiling all of my personal tools, resources and secrets into Zenergy™, an online e-learning portal. It is the first of it's kind! 12 years of diligent research, learnings, teachings and training are being packaged into Zenergy™.

You will learn how to :

· Be more relaxed
· Be more focused
· Be more effective
· Increase your personal productivity
· Manage your stress
· Re-energize
· Rejuvenate your mind, body and soul
· Relax all your muscles
· Be balanced
· Have mental clarity
· Have muscle relaxation
· Practice self-care

Don't you think it would be convenient to:

· Have stress busters at your finger tips 24/7/52/365
· Relax right at your desk, yet get your work done
· Have more energy through out the day
· Know what foods will give you more energy
· Discover or fine tune your life passion
· Have more confidence and self-esteem
· Be more spiritually aware
· Be more spontaneous
· Have more time for yourself
· Build healthy relationships
· Have work-life balance?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you may want to read on.

Zenergy™ includes:
Zenergy Exercises to reduce stress, and muscle tension
Ask the Expert Interviews that reveal healthy tips and secrets in interviews with leaders in health and wellness
Discussion Lounge
for you to connect with me and others of like mind
Success Store discounts
Health-E Tools
which inlcudes special reports on health and wellness issues and as if that was not enough, you get access to free
E-Courses delivered right to your inbox, to improive your health and way of life.

For answers to some common questions click here.

By the way...when you are a Zenergy™ Member you get all of these services and products for FREE...

Here is what you get...
(HINT: click on the underlined words for more information)

1. "Ask the Expert" interviews offer a wealth of information on health and wellness related issues featuring various experts. Some up coming interviews include:

Jody Urquhart - Professional Speaker on "What is the Joy of Work"
Rikko Ricketts - Vancouver based Dentist, on "What is Wellness Centered Dentistry?"
Teresia Larocque - First Certified Master Coach in Canada on "Living the Life you Truly Desire"
Bill Clennon - North Americans Memory Man on "Improving your Memory"

2. Dr. Feel Good's "Health-E Tools" These are illuminated with the secrets to preventing dis-ease, magic keys to balancing your life, success habits to enrich your relationships, fabulous tools to improve your health, dynamite secrets to eat healthier and a whole lotta feel good facts. WOW - you are going to love it!

3. E-classes As a Zenergy™ Member, you have unlimited free online access to masterful e-learning programs to improve your health, enrich your relationships, hone your spirituality and enhance your wisdom. These programs are guaranteed to inspire and support you in your life journey. Current and upcoming E-Classes include: 101 Healthy Habits , 365 Days of Inspiration, 7 Secrets to Balance, Daily Neck and Shoulder Revitalizers, Weekly Neck and Shoulder Revitalizer.

4. Zenergy™ Exercises In under 3 minutes you can destress during your workday. These exercises are based on over 5000 years of research and practice brought to you in streaming video!

5. A Discussion Lounge Tune in each month with Natalie, "Dr. Feel Good" live in the Discussion Lounge (watch for listed times in the Zenergy E-Zine).

What is the Investment?

Normally the Zenergy Membership's investment would be $29.97 per month. That is $359.64 a year. BUT, Zenergy is being offered at the low investment of $9.95/month.

Many of you have requested a yearly special rate, so here it is: the special launch price for a year membership is
ONLY $99.
You save over $259

AND for those of you who like really good deals, when you join before September 25th, 2003 you will get 6 months free when you join for two years!

Join Zenergy™ today
for ONLY $99
(Offer expires September 25th, 2003)


When you join today for 2 years,
You get 6 months FREE!
(offer expires September 25th, 2003)

Why is it so low?!?! How can we afford to offer this at such a low price of $99 a year? We can because of technology and the Internet!

You can spend hours online searching for personal development tools and complimentary health techniques. You can spend literally thousands of dollars on books, seminars, classes and videos to improve your well-being and self-care practice.

Look, doesn't it make a lot more sense to invest in yourself by becoming a Zenergy™ Member of to receive all the leading edge personal development and self-care tools right at your desk at your convenience at a low price?

One big challenge in life today is time. People do not have enough time. For that reason all the "Zenergy™ Exercises" (one of our feature benefits) are under 3 minutes in length. They are short and simple. All of them can be done at your desk!

Click on the links below to see a
Zenergy Exercise for FREE!

You need RealOne Player to view the video. To get it for FREE Click on the logo

Cable/DSL (recommended) Click Here
Phone modem (56k) Click Here

The Zenergy™ Membership at is instrumental in holistically combining a fast paced lifestyle with healthy living. It can be done and it is being done!

Zenergy™ will:

· Enhance your relaxation
· Improve your focus
· Increase your personal effectiveness
· Increase your productivity
· Help you manage your stress
· Re-energize you
· Rejuvenate your mind, body and soul
· Relax your muscles through out your body, including your neck, back, shoulders, arms, head, face, feet and legs
· Help you be balanced
· Instill mental clarity
· improve your self-care quotient

For answers to some common questions click here.

Who joins Zenergy™?

All types of people. Anyone who wants to improve his or her quality of life professionally and personally joins Zenergy™. Entrepreneurs, CEO's, Executives, Techs, Professionals, Secretaries, Assistants, Researches and more. Those seeking to enrich their life with more health, wealth, happiness and balance join Zenergy™. Even those who already have the quality of life they desire join Zenergy™ to maintain their balance and build upon their toolbox.

The 3 most common types of people who join Zenergy™ are:

1. Happy individuals who want to enhance their life personally and professionally. These individuals may join to add more value to their quality of living. The benefits of joining are to prevent disease and to continue to promote healthy choices, relationships, careers and personal fulfillment.

2. Individuals who are looking to improve their health, well being and life style. These individuals often join because they are looking for more tools and avenues to increase their quality of life, improve their health and live the life they love and love life they live.

3. Individuals who are curious about what all this health, wellness, personal development and professional development stuff is all about. These people might be newbies to self-care. They may have heard about some forms of personal development, complimentary health care and Alternative Medicine, but they are not too sure where to start or what to do. This is the place for them. We answer their questions and provide them with bountiful health, wellness, personal development and professional development resources.

Join Zenergy™ today
for ONLY $9.95 a month
or $99 for one year
or for 2 years and get 6 months FREE!!!
(Offer expires September 25th, 2003)


I look forward to having you on board and serving you well.

Health and Harmony,


Natalie Forstbauer
aka "Dr. Feel Good"

P.S. I really look forward to having you on board with us.

P.P.S. Get your membership today while it is still in Canadian dollars!

Your Satisfaction Guaranteed!

Click on the links below for a virtual tour of Zenergy™...

Zenergy Exercises :: Ask The Expert :: Chit-Chats ::
Discussion Lounge
:: Coaching ::E-Classes :: Success Store
Resources :: Referral Rewards :: Zenergy FAQs

For site credits and thank yous click here.

Disclaimer: We are not and in no way do we intend to diagnose or treat disease or illness in any way, shape or form. Our services at dare2feel are meant to relieve stress. We recommend you consult your physician, or medical doctor before engaging in any of our programs or exercises. Always consult your medical doctor when changing your diet or exercise routine. All information on this website is for informational purposes only.