A big thank you to everyone who has made this website possible!!...clients, friends, family, team
...you know who you are!

I do have a few extra special people to thank.

Thank you to Cathy and Scott at Designer Websolutions for helping me pull it together with the design of dare2feel.com. They are responsible for assisting me with putting the "look" into action. Visit them at Designer WebSolutions

Doug Lucas from Ansun Productions, thank you for shooting the Zenergy™ Exercies and formatting them into files I could work with. You ROCK! Visit Doug at Ansun Productions

To my fabulous clients, family, friends and those I work with you make my life and world possible. Thank you, from my heart and soul.

Much love to all,

For site credits and thank yous click here.

Disclaimer: We are not and in no way do we intend to diagnose or treat disease or illness in any way, shape or form. Our services at dare2feel are meant to relieve stress. We recommend you consult your physician, or medical doctor before engaging in any of our programs or exercises. Always consult your medical doctor when changing your diet or exercise routine. All information on this website is for informational purposes only.

© 2001 Dare2Feel - All Rights Reserved