stress management to improve the quality of worklife and employee motivation

Stress management to improve employee motivation, employee retention, the quality of worklife, worklife balance and corporate culture.

Why Zenergy?

  • Reduce workplace stress
  • Prevent stress leave
  • Encourage work-life balance
  • Improve communication skills
  • Evoke employee retention
  • Encourage high company moral
  • Enhance personal and professional fulfillment
  • Build relationships

Zenergy is:

  • Affordable
  • Cost efficient
  • Employee friendly
  • Bottom line friendly
  • Time friendly

Why Zenergy?

Do you want to increase your bottom line?
Invest in Zenergy. Bottom line increases when your employees are happy and feel looked after.

Would you like to increase the quality of work you receive from your employees?
Invest in Zenergy. People perform better when they are focussed and relaxed.

Does it make sense to you to lower turnover rates?
Invest in Zenergy. Employees stay with companies who invest in their learning, health and wellness.

Would you like to have higher employee retention?
Invest in Zenergy. Zenergy offers incentives for people to be involved.

Would you like to lower training costs?
Invest in Zenergy. With the small yearly investment for Zenergy your employees have an incredible amount of resources for free. From stress reduction exercises to health awareness.

Do you want your employees to be happy on the job?
Invest in Zenergy. Invest in your employees and see how positively they respond.

Would you like to lower stress leave costs?
Invest in Zenergy. The Zenergy Exercises are proven techniques that relieve stress.

Do you want your employees to have high moral?
Invest in Zenergy. Invest in your team.

Would you like your employees to be empowered to relieve stress right at their desk in less than 3 minutes?
Invest in Zenergy. The Zenergy Exercises do this!

Do you want your employees to feel like you care about their well being, health and happiness?
Invest in Zenergy. Zenergy will give them the resources they need to address their health and wellness.

Do you want to be a leader in employee self-care and wellness incentive programs?
Invest in Zenergy. Zenergy is a leader in Workplace Wellness.

Would you like to develop in sync teams?
Invest in Zenergy. Zenergy encourages team work.

Invest in Zenergy!

What is the investment?

The investment is yearly. The benefits last a life time. Rates vary depending on the size of your company.

For information
Email: contactus@dare2feel.com or
Call: 1.877.559.3273

I look forward to having your company on board and serving you and your employees well.

Health and Harmony,

Natalie Forstbauer
AKA "Dr. Feel Good"

P.S. Register your company today and each employee will receive a free bonus gift.

For site credits and thank yous click here.

Disclaimer: We are not and in no way do we intend to diagnose or treat disease or illness in any way, shape or form. Our services at dare2feel are meant to relieve stress. We recommend you consult your physician, or medical doctor before engaging in any of our programs or exercises. Always consult your medical doctor when changing your diet or exercise routine. All information on this website is for informational purposes only.